Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum
Our Yoga Teacher Training curriculum is recognised by the Yoga Alliance. Each course covers almost the same topics but at different intensities and durations. Within this, you will do yoga practice, study yoga philosophy and anatomy, learn teacher training skills, gain practical experience, and much more.
50 Hrs of Yoga training curriculum
Techniques, Training And Practice: 100 Hours
Hatha Yoga – Primary Series
- Introduction to Hatha Yoga
- Surya Namaskar with Mantra Awareness
- Sukshma Vyayama (joints and glands exercise)
- Asana Series: Standing, Kneeling, Sitting, Prone Position, Supine, and Inverted Poses
- Hatha Yoga benefits and its risks
- Pranayama techniques while performing Hatha Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga – Primary Series
- Ashtanga Yoga: its origin, history, and philosophy
- Introduction to the Eight Limbs of Yoga
- Practicing Ashtanga series
- Pranayama and Meditation while performing asanas
Teaching Methodology: 25 Hours
- Adjustment and alignment principles while teaching
- Learning modifications of asanas
- How to correct postures verbally during yoga class
- Benefits and limitations of asanas
- Business studies in the yoga teaching career
Anatomy and Physiology: 20 Hours
- Understanding Yoga Anatomy (working of bodily systems and the effect of yoga practice on the body)
- Performing Shatkarmas
- Basic injury prevention techniques for safety during Asana classes
Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers: 30 Hours
- Meaning and importance of Yoga
- Spiritual teachings in yoga
- Study of ancient Yogic scriptures
- Introduction to Yogic Lifestyle
- Yoga Ethics for Teachers and Students
Practicum: 10 Hours
- Understanding the Yoga Teaching Process
- Techniques and skills for teaching Yoga: observation, demonstration, assistance, lesson planning and more.
- Preparing yoga sequence for a class session
- Teaching an actual class
- Practicals and written exams
100 Hrs of Yoga training curriculum
Techniques, Training And Practice: 100 Hours
Hatha Yoga – Primary Series
- Introduction to Hatha Yoga
- Surya Namaskar with Mantra Awareness
- Sukshma Vyayama (joints and glands exercise)
- Asana Series: Standing, Kneeling, Sitting, Prone Position, Supine, and Inverted Poses
- Hatha Yoga benefits and its risks
- Pranayama techniques while performing Hatha Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga – Primary Series
- Ashtanga Yoga: its origin, history, and philosophy
- Introduction to the Eight Limbs of Yoga
- Practicing Ashtanga series
- Pranayama and Meditation while performing asanas
Teaching Methodology: 25 Hours
- Adjustment and alignment principles while teaching
- Learning modifications of asanas
- How to correct postures verbally during yoga class
- Benefits and limitations of asanas
- Business studies in the yoga teaching career
Anatomy and Physiology: 20 Hours
- Understanding Yoga Anatomy (working of bodily systems and the effect of yoga practice on the body)
- Performing Shatkarmas
- Basic injury prevention techniques for safety during Asana classes
Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers: 30 Hours
- Meaning and importance of Yoga
- Spiritual teachings in yoga
- Study of ancient Yogic scriptures
- Introduction to Yogic Lifestyle
- Yoga Ethics for Teachers and Students
Practicum: 10 Hours
- Understanding the Yoga Teaching Process
- Techniques and skills for teaching Yoga: observation, demonstration, assistance, lesson planning and more.
- Preparing yoga sequence for a class session
- Teaching an actual class
- Practicals and written exams
300 Hrs of Yoga training curriculum
Techniques, Training And Practice: 100 Hours
Hatha Yoga – Primary Series
- Introduction to Hatha Yoga
- Surya Namaskar with Mantra Awareness
- Sukshma Vyayama (joints and glands exercise)
- Asana Series: Standing, Kneeling, Sitting, Prone Position, Supine, and Inverted Poses
- Hatha Yoga benefits and its risks
- Pranayama techniques while performing Hatha Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga – Primary Series
- Ashtanga Yoga: its origin, history, and philosophy
- Introduction to the Eight Limbs of Yoga
- Practicing Ashtanga series
- Pranayama and Meditation while performing asanas
Teaching Methodology: 25 Hours
- Adjustment and alignment principles while teaching
- Learning modifications of asanas
- How to correct postures verbally during yoga class
- Benefits and limitations of asanas
- Business studies in the yoga teaching career
Anatomy and Physiology: 20 Hours
- Understanding Yoga Anatomy (working of bodily systems and the effect of yoga practice on the body)
- Performing Shatkarmas
- Basic injury prevention techniques for safety during Asana classes
Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers: 30 Hours
- Meaning and importance of Yoga
- Spiritual teachings in yoga
- Study of ancient Yogic scriptures
- Introduction to Yogic Lifestyle
- Yoga Ethics for Teachers and Students
Practicum: 10 Hours
- Understanding the Yoga Teaching Process
- Techniques and skills for teaching Yoga: observation, demonstration, assistance, lesson planning and more.
- Preparing yoga sequence for a class session
- Teaching an actual class
- Practicals and written exams